How to Add Pictures to Ios 14 Home Screen

To add pictures to iOS 14 home screen, simply hold your finger on the app you wish to add a photo to and select “Edit Home Screen.” From there, click the “+” sign in the top left corner, select the photo you want to use, and position it where you want on the home screen.

Adding pictures to your iPhone’s home screen in iOS 14 can be an excellent way to personalize and express your style. Whether it’s a favorite photo or a logo for a frequently used app, using custom icons can make your phone feel more “yours.

” With the ability to change app icons for third-party and Apple apps, iOS 14 has made it easy for users to customize their home screens and add unique touches to their device. This feature has proven to be particularly popular with many iPhone users, and with the simple steps outlined above, it’s easy to see why.

Preparing Your Ios Device

To add pictures to IOS 14 home screen, you need to prepare your IOS device properly. The very first thing you need to do is update your IOS to version 14. This will ensure your device is compatible with the latest features. Once done, you need to select and download a wallpaper app of your choice. There are a number of apps available in the App Store that will help you select and customize the perfect wallpaper for your home screen. Simply search for wallpaper apps in the App Store and select the one that best suits your needs.

How to Add Pictures to Ios 14 Home Screen


Selecting And Saving Your Images

To customize your iOS 14 home screen, you can now add pictures to replace the default app icons. Firstly, choose your desired icon aesthetic and select and save your preferred images to your iOS device. You can either use your camera to capture new images or save existing ones from your gallery. Ensure that the images have a transparent background, and their size is in the recommended range of 1024 x 1024 pixels.

Once you have selected your images, you can then add them to your home screen by using the Shortcuts app. Open the app and tap the + icon in the top right corner, select “Add Action,” search for “Open App,” and then tap “Choose.” Scroll down and click “Add Action” again, search for “Set [app] Icon,” select it, and then tap the “Choose” option. Finally, tap on the image you had previously saved and give it a name. Repeat the process for all your preferred app icons.

Do’s Dont’s
Choose your preferred aesthetic for icons. Starting subheadings with phrases or words.
Save pictures to your device. Adding concluding paragraphs.
Ensure pictures have a transparent background. Using complex sentence structures.
Use the Shortcuts app to add pictures. Using words or phrases like “moreover” or “however”.

Using Shortcuts To Add Images To Home Screen

Customizing your iOS 14 home screen has never been easier with the new Shortcuts feature. With Shortcuts, you can create a custom image for any app and add it to your home screen.

To create a custom shortcut, simply go to the Shortcuts app and click the + button to create a new shortcut. From there, select the app you want to create a shortcut for and add an image. You can use any image from your camera roll or search for images online.

After you’ve created your shortcut, tap on the three dots in the upper-right corner and then select “Add to Home Screen.” You can name the shortcut and choose an icon for it. Voila! Your custom shortcut with a personalized image is now on your home screen.

Adding Images To Shortcuts

If you want to add an image to an existing shortcut, simply go to the Shortcuts app, find the shortcut you want to customize, and tap on the three dots in the upper-right corner. From there, select “Add to Home Screen,” and you can choose a new image for the shortcut.

Customizing your iOS 14 home screen with personalized shortcuts and images is a fun and creative way to personalize your device and make it truly your own. So, get creative with your Shortcuts and start adding some personality to your home screen!

How to Add Pictures to Ios 14 Home Screen


Adding Images To Widgets

Adding images to the widgets in iOS 14 Home Screen is quite easy. Firstly, you must ensure that you select the right widget size. The selected widget size should be proportional to the image that you wish to add. Secondly, customize the widget appearance by selecting the photo that you want to add. You may adjust the size and placement of the photo to fit within the widget’s frame. It is essential to note that the widget should complement the image being used. Use images that are clear and simple to avoid any clutter or confusion on the Home Screen.

Tweaking And Troubleshooting

Adding pictures to your iOS 14 home screen may seem like a simple task but it has its own set of challenges. One common issue that users face is managing storage space while adding pictures to the home screen.

To tackle this, delete unnecessary apps and data to create space. To organize your photos and ease up storage space, group similar photos in a folder.

Another issue is that adding too many widgets and photos may slow down your device. To overcome this, minimize the number of widgets and reduce the size of photos you add to the home screen.

Occasionally, errors may occur while adding pictures to your home screen. Try restarting your device or clearing the cache to troubleshoot issues. If none of these solutions work, seek out professional help.

Sharing And Discovering New Custom Designs

Discover and customize your iOS 14 home screen with pictures by following these simple steps. Share your unique designs with others and explore endless possibilities for personalized displays on your device.

If you are looking to personalize your iOS 14 home screen, you may want to try adding new custom designs. Sharing your own custom designs with others and exploring design ideas online are great ways to discover new ideas and improve your home screen’s appearance. You can share your custom designs by simply taking a screenshot and uploading it to social media or design-sharing websites. When exploring design ideas online, it can be helpful to take note of color schemes, widget placements, and icon styles that catch your eye. With a little bit of creativity and inspiration, you can create a unique and stylish home screen that reflects your personal style.

How to Add Pictures to Ios 14 Home Screen



Adding pictures to your iOS 14 home screen is an efficient and captivating way of customizing your iPhone. It is easy to accomplish and adds a personal touch to your device. With the tips and tricks outlined you can elevate your home screen to a whole new level of functionality and esthetics.

So, what are you waiting for? Start experimenting and customizing your device in ways that align with your personality and style. Remember to have fun while at it!

About Doris Campbell

Doris Campbell is a founder And Admin at the Techsily. He's having 8 years of experience in Technology and troubleshooting topics. Coming from a background of Computer Science you will often see his writing stuff related to How To's, PC, Android, and iOS.