How to Add Widgets to Standby Mode Ios 17

To add widgets to standby mode on iOS 14, swipe left or right from the main home screen to access the Today View. Scroll to the bottom and tap the “Edit” button, then select the green plus sign next to the widget you wish to add.

IOS 14 allows users to add widgets to their device’s home screen, enabling easy access to frequently used apps and functions without having to launch them. Adding widgets to the standby mode on iOS 14 saves you time and effort, as the widgets will be easily accessible whenever you unlock your device.

You can customize your home screen by selecting the widgets that you use frequently, such as calendars, weather, notes, or fitness trackers, to display on the standby mode. This allows you to get a quick glimpse of your day’s events, the weather forecast, or your fitness progress without having to unlock your device and open the respective apps.

How to Add Widgets to Standby Mode Ios 17


Step By Step Guide To Add Widgets To Ios 17 Standby Mode

Update your IOS to the latest version, iOS 17. Once done, unlock your device and reach the home screen. Swipe left to get to the standby mode. To add widgets to it; scroll to the bottom of your opened page and click on Edit. Next, add widgets of your choice, as many as you want.

You can also decide to reorder your widgets by clicking on the three lines icon and dragging your widget to its desired location. To remove a widget from standby mode, click on the red minus button beside the widget.

Adding widgets to standby mode is easy and an excellent way to personalize your phone’s interface. Make the most of it today by following these simple steps!

How to Add Widgets to Standby Mode Ios 17


Best Practices For Using Widgets In Ios 17 Standby Mode

Adding widgets to iOS 17 standby mode allows for quick access to frequently used apps. To make the most of this feature, it’s important to choose the right widgets, organize them efficiently and avoid cluttering the screen.

Select only Frequently Used Widgets Choose the widgets that you use frequently, such as weather or news, to customize your standby mode. This helps you to quickly access important details. Arrange Widgets According to Priority Place your widgets in priority order, so that the most important ones are always at the top of the list. Avoid Cluttering Standby Mode with Too Many Widgets Having too many widgets in standby mode can make it difficult to find and use the ones that matter. So, keep it simple and only select the most important widgets for your standby mode. Turn Off Widgets You No Longer Use Widgets that you don’t use anymore can take up precious space on your device. So, it is recommended to turn off any widgets that you no longer use. Don’t Overlook Third-Party Widgets Third-party widgets can be a fantastic way to add customized functionality to your standby mode. Make sure to explore and try new widgets from trusted sources.
How to Add Widgets to Standby Mode Ios 17



Adding widgets to your standby mode is a great way to take advantage of your idle screen time and prioritize your apps. With the iOS 17 update, Apple has made it easier than ever for users to customize their standby screens with widgets.

By following the steps we’ve outlined, you’ll be able to add and delete widgets at will, keeping your standby mode dynamic and up-to-date. Unlock the potential of your standby mode today and give yourself a more productive and enjoyable user experience.

About Doris Campbell

Doris Campbell is a founder And Admin at the Techsily. He's having 8 years of experience in Technology and troubleshooting topics. Coming from a background of Computer Science you will often see his writing stuff related to How To's, PC, Android, and iOS.