What is Singleton Class in Android?

Singleton class in Android is a class that can have only one instance of it. It provides a global point of access to the object.

It is useful when we need only one instance of an object throughout our application, such as database connection, shared preferences or any other objects that are used across the application and needs to be instantiated once.

To achieve this singleton pattern restricts the instantiation of the class and ensures that there’s only one object created for this particular class.

The constructor has private visibility so that no other classes can create its instance using new keyword and hence forces all callers to use same reference for further calls within their code base.

A Singleton class in Android is a type of object that can only be instantiated once. This means there will always be one instance of the class and any other attempts to create an instance will return a reference to the same object.

The purpose of this design pattern is to provide global access to the single instance, allowing data or code functions to be shared across activities, fragments, services and more.

Why Do We Use Singleton Class in Android?

Singleton class is one of the most important and widely used design pattern in Android. A singleton class ensures that only one instance of the class is created, thus providing a global point of access to its methods and properties.

This helps in reducing memory usage as well as providing an efficient way for communication between various components or classes within your application.

Singleton classes also provide an easy way to access resources like database connections or network sockets which may be expensive to create and maintain when they are needed often.

In addition, singletons can help with modularity by making it easier to switch out implementations without affecting other parts of the app.

Last but not least, singletons can help improve performance since creating new instances every time would require additional memory allocation, thus slowing down execution times.

What is Meant by Singleton Class?

A Singleton class is a type of class that can only have one instance per application. This means that it cannot be instantiated more than once, and any attempts to do so will result in the same object being returned each time.

The purpose of this design pattern is to provide a global point of access for an object, ensuring that there is only ever one copy of the object accessible at any given time.

It also ensures thread safety, as all threads accessing the singleton instance will use the same shared resource instead of creating multiple objects which can lead to inconsistent results or race conditions.

A common example might be a logging system where you want every log message from your entire application funneled into one place for easier analysis and debugging.

By using a singleton approach you ensure that all logs are sent into this central location without risking two different threads writing logs out simultaneously with conflicting data sets or garbled messages due to asynchronous calls.

What is Singleton Vs Static Class Android?

A singleton class is a class that allows only one instance of itself to be created. It also provides global access to the instance, which can be accessed from anywhere in the application. This could be used when you need a centralized object or want to keep track of your app’s state across activities.

On the other hand, a static class is simply a class that cannot be instantiated and all its methods are declared as static methods meaning they are accessible without creating an instance of the class first.

Static classes may contain certain utility functions that don’t need any data stored within them and thus make sense as globally available functions rather than part of some specific object like singletons do with their instances.

In Android development, using Singleton classes for data storage and retrieval can help maintain consistency between different components like Activities, Fragments and Services while using static classes for utility functions makes more sense since no particular context needs to be maintained throughout usage in this case.

Why Would You Use a Singleton Class?

Using a singleton class can be advantageous when it comes to ensuring that only one instance of an object exists. This is especially useful in situations where there needs to be shared access between multiple objects, but no more than one instance of the object should exist.

Singletons are also helpful when working with resources that need controlling or managing, such as database connections and file streams.

The singleton pattern allows for consistency of data since all objects accessing the same resource will share the same information from a single source.

Additionally, singletons offer greater control over how and when resources are used, allowing for better management and optimization of those resources.

Finally, using a singleton class helps to reduce complexity by making sure only one instance of an object is ever instantiated at any given time which further simplifies debugging tasks while keeping code organized and maintainable in the long run.

Android Tutorial #2 – Using Singleton Object In Android Applications

What is Singleton Class in Android Mcq

Singleton Class in Android is a design pattern used to ensure that only one instance of a class can exist at any given time.

This allows for better memory management, as the same object can be used multiple times without having to create new instances each time. The Singleton Class also helps prevent race conditions where two threads attempt to access the same resource simultaneously.

Multiple choice questions (MCQs) on Singleton classes are commonly asked in Android-related interviews and exams due to its importance in programming techniques.


In conclusion, the Singleton class is a powerful tool for Android developers. It provides an efficient way to manage global state and resources in an application by restricting the instantiation of a class to one object. With its inherent benefits such as flexibility and ease of use, it can be used to create reliable applications that are easy to maintain.

About Jeffrey Wood

Jeffrey Wood is a senior content writer at the Techsily. He's having 5 years of experience in Technology and troubleshooting topics. Coming from a background of engineering, you will often see his writing stuff related to How To's, Android, and iOS.